Saturday, July 21, 2007

Say It Again: Impeach!

I agree with Deborah Newell Tornello
We must impeach the President and Vice President of the United States, and we must begin proceedings to do so immediately, not just for the purpose of exacting a punitive remedy, but also toward enacting a vitally important preventive measure--one that may be the only available means by which to protect the country from the impending imposition of martial law at home as well as the declaration of war against Iran and possibly other countries in the Middle East.

It's come to that. It's really come to that. It's been unbelievably bad for a long time, I know, for so long, indeed, it's been bad from the moment we all permitted the Supreme Court to facilitate a certain coup in 2000, and the Project for a New American Century, and the Unitary Executive thesis, and the rubber stampization of administrative professionals, and a war based on lies everybody knows were lies, and the Downing Street Memo, and Plamegate, and the dismantlement of liberties in the name of preserving "liberties," and torturing while claiming "We Do Not Torture," and deregulation without end, and privatization without end, and cronyism without end, and mercenary armies owned by religious fundamentalist multimillionaires, and bodies ballooning from criminal neglect in the waters of the Gulf, and climate change denial, and Ground Zero toxicity denial, and Iraq debacle denial, and all the rest have been like bowling pins careening, tumbling, shattering one after the other in the aftermath of that initial sin, that initial bored idiotic acquiescence to the anti-democratic Selection over Election of the killer clowns, of the anti-governmentality that would govern by destroying government. But it doesn't matter now, honestly it's beyond punishment, it's beyond accountability, it doesn't matter how it sounds, it doesn't matter if you can't really believe "Cheney" or whoever could really do more than he has already impossibly done in the way of marauding lying thieving lawlessness, it doesn't matter at all. But call, write, demand, sign, lecture, parade, Impeach! Impeach! Impeach as if your life depended on it. Impeach as if the democracy you cherish is in danger. Impeach like there's no tomorrow if you don't. Impeach!

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