Tuesday, June 05, 2007


"Prepare to Believe" intone the first words of the Official Website of Kentucky's newly opened twenty-seven million dollar Creation Museum. Why, oh why, did I click the link after reading Salon.com's recent account of their tour of the place? Giving this theocraptacular pile a lingering looksee while still reeling somewhat from Monica Goodling's recent Regentastic testimony I feel rather as though I've taken a one-two punch from freshly-scrubbed saucer-eyed Christian Amurca.

The Creation Museum Homepage goes on to promise (perhaps oblivious to the ironies involved in the claim) a "state of the art" facility, presenting a "walk through history." This phrase, curiously enough, is in quotes on the site, suggesting that perhaps somebody at any rate knows that this isn't exactly "history" the Creation Museum is peddling.

Highlights for me from Salon.com's report of their tour include the image of "Adam and Eve… standing in a pool of water, their genitals coyly obscured by lily pads…." and then this gem:
After the flood, Noah's descendants multiply again on Earth, but not quickly or broadly enough to satisfy God, who then introduces a slew of new languages to drive people apart…. The ensuing C-for-Confusion theme is represented through a gritty and menacing back alley postered with newspaper headlines about the rise in abortion, drug use, homosexuality and teen suicide.

The Lord's work, I suppose, ain't exactly subtle. Don't worry Christian Amurca. When it comes to scientific truth, as with following the pesky rule of law, you may have crossed the line, but we know you didn't mean to. Get called on it, that is.


  1. > Giving this theocraptacular pile a lingering looksee while
    > still reeling somewhat from Monica Goodling's recent
    > Regentastic testimony I feel rather as though I've taken
    > a one-two punch from freshly-scrubbed saucer-eyed
    > Christian Amurca.

    Oh, well, then, you need to relax with some easy-to-digest
    but thought-provoking comics. I suggest

    Wake up a-l'il' Suzy.

  2. Ken Ham is telling porkies


    Jack T Chick know Jack sh*t

    Creation museums... only in America (hopefully)
