Monday, June 05, 2006

Mundi Muster! Call Senators Feinstein and Boxer to Stop the Hate Amendment

[via MoveOn]
Today, President Bush will make a speech on a topic that the Senate is gearing up to vote on tomorrow. It's not Iraq, or rising gas prices or our broken health-care system. It's an attempt to write discrimination into the Constitution by permanently denying marriage equality to same-sex couples.

There are obviously bigger problems in front of the nation today. So why would the Republicans do this now? As Jack Cafferty said on CNN, "It's blatant posturing by Republicans, who are increasingly desperate as the midterm elections approach. There's not a lot else to get people interested in voting on them, based on their record of the last five years."

Republicans want to divide the nation for the 2006 elections and they're attacking same-sex families to do it. The last time Republicans tried this they failed, but they're expected to make gains this year. Sens. Feinstein and Boxer are going to be key. Can you call Sens. Feinstein and Boxer and tell them that you oppose an Amendment that would permanently write discrimination into the Constitution?

Senator Dianne Feinstein
Phone: 202-224-3841

Senator Barbara Boxer
Phone: 202-224-3553

Sens. Feinstein and Boxer are feeling intense pressure from the extreme right-wing, and folks like James Dobson are making sure Sens. Feinstein and Boxer hear from their supporters every day. It's up to us to show Sens. Feinstein and Boxer that a majority of Americans don't support discrimination in the Constitution. But we need to speak up now.

If America stands for anything, it stands for equal rights and opportunities for everyone. While we've often struggled to guarantee equality, we've never amended our Constitution to take rights away from people or to codify discrimination.

But Republicans think this is a winning issue for them. As Jack Cafferty said later in that show, "If you can appeal to the hatred, bigotry, or discrimination in some people, you might move them to the polls to vote against that big, bad gay married couple that one day might move in down the street."

Most Americans don't support discrimination or this Amendment. But in the next few hours, we need to make sure Sens. Feinstein and Boxer hear from us.

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