Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Blogging Break

Howdy all. It may have seemed that I have taken a bit of a blogging break over the last few days, but actually I've been a bloggin' maniac -- just, elsewhere... For one thing my brief break is over and I already have resumed teaching. This time it's an eight-week summer intensive, a Critical Theory survey course at the San Francisco Art Institute. This material is always enjoyable to teach and students at SFAI are always a wonderfully independent-minded and funloving bunch and so I'm actually looking forward to the class -- even though I haven't had much in the way of a break since my insanely hectic teaching load this Spring or the Stanford Conference finished up. Anyway, I've set up the blog for the course and I'm eager to see what the students will do with the space, since each course community seems to take up a blog somewhat differently. Also, I've created a new collaborative blog called "The Technoprogressive" with a few rather likeminded friends, devoted to dem-left analysis of ongoing and emerging technodevelopmental social struggle and to what we discern as an emerging technoprogressive mainstream in American politics and global politics as well. If you like Amor Mundi look in on "The Technoprogressive" as well from time to time, and please offer up comments and criticisms. We're planning on increasing our numbers once we've gotten our sea legs as a blogging community and are on the lookout for likely additions to our fledgling family.

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