Saturday, August 20, 2005

The New Technoliberation List

A new discussion list was created last night, and I would encourage any sympathetic readers of Amor Mundi to join and participate there. There are just a dozen messages in the archive and half a dozen members, so you have a chance to get in on the ground floor and shape the default culture of the list in insistently technoprogressive directions. Here is the text I have offered up for the Home Page, but which the members have not yet agreed to. Come what may, it reflects what I see as the promise of the list.

Using technology to deepen democracy, using democracy to ensure technology benefits us all.

The technoliberation list is a welcoming space for conversation, collaboration, organization, and debate among liberal, social, and radical democrats from around the world all of whom share the sense that emerging, converging, disruptive global technological developments threaten unprecedented harm while they promise unprecedented emancipation for humanity. We want to think about the ways in which technology provokes us to rethink and reimagine the left wing of the possible.


It is not true that the map of freedom will be complete
with the erasure of the last invidious border
when it remains for us to chart the attractors of thunder
and delineate the arrhythmias of drought
to reveal the molecular dialects of forest and savanna
as rich as a thousand human tongues
and to comprehend the deepest history of our passions
ancient beyond mythology's reach

So I declare that no corporation holds a monopoly on numbers
no patent can encompass zero and one
no nation has sovereignty over adenine and guanine
no empire rules the quantum waves

And there must be room for all at the celebration of understanding
for there is a truth which cannot be bought or sold
imposed by force, resisted
or escaped.

-- Greg Egan

C'mon Mundyites, let's create an actual cyborg feminist, post-natural Green, post-humanist humanitarian, prostheticized queer, morphological freedom fighting, global fair trade and sustainable development advocating, democratic world federalist technoprogressive salon and incitement to activism and organizing!

Join at:

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