Thursday, May 13, 2004

MundiMuster! Urge President Bush to Ensure American Detention Policies are in Compliance with U.S. Laws and International Law

[via the ACLU]:

The recent abuses at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere “are not merely the depraved actions of a few poorly trained soldiers who were inadequately supervised. Rather, the abuses are a predictable result of detention policies pursued by the Bush Administration that do not honor the rule of law or American values. Our nation’s apology to the Iraqi detainees, their families, and the nations of the world will ring hollow if it is not accompanied by a clear break with these detention policies, and all members of the Bush Administration must commit to reform of these detention policies.

These atrocities indicate the need for reform at all levels of American detention policy.If the United States is sincere, it will not only conduct this investigation in a transparent manner, it will open to outside scrutiny the treatment, including interrogation techniques, of all war prisoners, whatever their status as prisoners of war, unlawful combatants or some other status.

It is imperative that President Bush takes steps to ensure that the rule of law is respected at home and abroad.

The Bush Administration has indicated its willingness to violate international law by detaining individuals without charge or means of proving their innocence. The abuses in Iraq are only one example of the implications of such flawed policies. By enacting measures to reform these flawed policies, President Bush can show that these violations do not represent the values of the American people as a whole.”

Then simply click forward to the prepared form, edit and embellish it to your satisfaction, then send the President a signal of your dissatisfaction.

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