Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Monday, February 24, 2020

Sunday Walk and Brunch

Preparing lectures for the week to come, Benjamin and Adorno Wednesday and Plato's Symposium Thursday, all material I've taught countless times before. Something of an avalanche of material from my thesis students to keep track of as well, especially since it turns out I've got twice as many thesis students this term than I expected! Independent studies have rather deliriously proliferated as well, possibly I say YES too readily to some of these things... Yesterday was lovely, spring seems underway early this year, trees are blooming everywhere, the plum trees especially really are day-dreams of pink mist right about now, but there were blooms everywhere, white, yellow, purple, Eric was snapping pics all afternoon. Even with all the work on hand I've set aside Sundays for nonsense this term, pretty much using the weekend as a weekend for rest and recuperation without chores or school prep for the first time in a long time. Breathing in and breathing out.

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