Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Standing Apart

Judging from the copies on BART and the recommendations of friends, Jenny Odell's How To Do Nothing felt a few months back like the Bay Area "It" book du jour. I overcame the disinclination to read the book this popularity inevitably produced in me and have been enjoying it quite a lot when I can. I may say something about it when I'm finished, whenever I have time to finish it, a problem with which it concerns itself delightfully I might add. Anyway, from the end of the second chapter, without comment or context:
As the attention economy works to keep us trapped in a frightful present, it only becomes more important not just to recognize past versions of our predicament but to retain the capacity for an imagination somehow untainted by disappointment... [S]tanding apart represents the moment in which the desperate desire to leave (forever!) matures into a commitment to live in permanent refusal, where one already is, and to meet others in the common space of that refusal.

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