Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Iowa Shouldn't Matter. Now, Maybe It Won't

Last night's fiasco in Iowa seems to me a pretty good result. Pundits were deprived of bullshit narratives with which to lard the white male mediocrities (from whom no doubt we will inevitably soon be choosing) with praise at their ingenuity while trumpeting narrative hairballs about the "mis-steps" of the losers ad nauseam. Instead, the narrative is that unrepresentative serially incompetent Iowa sucks yet again and, it is to be hoped, for the last time. Also, possibly yet another data point rubbishing "hi tech" voting apps will nudge our presumably consummately data-driven punditocracy (now that's a laugh!) to notice that "low-tech" paper ballots have not yet been technically beat by a generation of insecure hackable non-auditable unreliable profiteering digi-tech dream machines -- a few legitimate accessibility needs met through digital and other means notwithstanding. Anyway, I'm glad Warren probably gets trashed less than she otherwise would have done because of the Iowa clusterfuck and I'm glad that Biden probably gets trashed more than he otherwise would have done. That's because I personally like Warren far more than Biden, as everybody knows. Hell, I prefer Bernie over Biden and I'm far from a Bernie stan, that's for sure. Who knows what will happen? If you paid as little attention to Iowa last night as I did to the Superbowl the night before and will to the SOTU tonight you are probably better off -- paying attention to play-by-play campaign "news" in the time of Trump is an utterly fruitless and demoralizing enterprise in my estimation. I'm still planning to vote, perhaps quixotically, for Warren in the looming California primary and hoping (and expecting) Biden to come out weakened vis-a-vis Bernie from that contest, and one hopes Bloomberg's gold-plated ascension might have been arrested whatever our weird technocratic mayors have to say on the subject (I'm not holding my breath on that one). I'm supporting any Democrat against Trump come November, needless to say.

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