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Friday, June 28, 2019

Barbara Lee Speaks For Me Daily

Barbara Lee endorsed Kamala Harris on day one and I paid attention -- since Barbara Lee is the rarest of beings, a politician I actually respect and trust somewhat -- how lucky she is actually my Representative! As of now, I'm inclining toward favoring Elizabeth Warren. I appreciate her plans and also the fact that she has them and also the fact that she makes a point of having them. But I am glad that Harris had a good debate last night and is now on the rise in the public eye against stale, pale, male mediocrities Biden and Bernie (and the rest). I hope she makes an impressive and compelling case in the space opened up by her performance. She has disappointed me on the trail so far (and there are things in her history that don't thrill me, as is true of them all, honestly, some more than others), but I've been waiting and open for her to change my mind. I do think the debates have also revealed that Castro has been the candidate who has suffered most unfairly from the media infatuation with Beto and Buttgieg. Here's hoping the more stringent requirements for the third debate round cull the also-rans and nudge at least some of them into actually useful Senate runs.

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