Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Saturday, August 04, 2018

Star Trek News

The news that Patrick Stewart is returning as Jean-Luc Picard for a future series about a Picard somewhat transformed by the passage of twenty years' time (as have we all) is exciting -- although I would be even more excited were it a series developed for anything but the additional subscription service that has kept me waiting for Star Trek: Discovery all this time, refraining from releasing DVD and blu-ray sets for sticks-in-the-mud like me (and, mind you, the overwhelming majority of tee vee viewers still) who don't stream everything via Netflix and Amazon and so on. I would be truly thrilled by a stand-alone series in which Picard takes on the unresolved politics of warp-drive as an environmentally-destructive practice on which the Federation as it is constituted nonetheless indispensably depends... Perhaps his experience as Kamin in "The Inner Light" might make him an activist grasping the environmental analogies here, perhaps using and threatening his reputation as flagship captain to push against the grain of the Federation's self-righteous hypocrisy here (and elsewhere) and tangling him up with unexpected allies (Klingon women scientists, secret technocratic matriarchal power behind the imperial boy's throne would be one personal pet theory I'd like to see elaborated too). Also, more queers, more civilians, fewer humanoids, fewer soldiers, and no more daddy issues or grown ass men who can't treat women professionally, please.


jimf said...

In other Star Trek news:

Lorraine said...

"CBS All Access" is practically a textbook example of Newspeak.

jimf said...

Dick Cavett in the Digital Age
Stopping to smell the flowers with the last great intellectual talk-show host.
By Alex Williams
Aug. 4, 2018

. . .

[T]he man who knew seemingly everyone finds it haunting that so many notables
he was once close to “are no longer there.”

Watching his shows, Mr. Cavett said, “the odd sensation about it is there
I am sitting with Lucille Ball or someone like that, and it is overlain
by the thought ‘One of us is dead.’”

“So far,” Mr. Cavett said wryly, “it’s always the other one.” Because
“you never think that will happen to you. That’s something you hear
old folks talk about.” . . .