Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Monday, June 25, 2018

Trumpproval: Slip Sliding Away...

via Gallup, Trump’s approval rate is down four points in a week to 41%. His disapproval jumped five points to 55%. It’s the first poll since the crisis over separating families at the Mexican border began. Trump is historically unpopular. What Trump is doing is historically unpopular. All the profiles of adoring "Trump Voters" in the world won't turn them into "The Real Americans" or a "Moral Majority" or a "Silent Majority." They are a hateful stupid minority destroying the world in plain sight while majorities register our disgust and resist the worst however we can and vote for more, and better, Democrats across the board, in district after district after district, month after month after month...

There is no need to be "civil" to the fascist racist dead-enders who voted for this and clearly love this disgusting criminal catastrophe, we just need to educate, agitate, organize majorities to overcome the lies, misinformation, disenfranchisement, gerrymandering, rural minorty-empowering electoral college, ongoing threats and push back against the bully-authoritarian cisheteronormative-patriarchal white-supremacist greedhead-kleptocratic GOP in time to reflect the rising diversifying secularizing coalition and its priorities: sustainable equity-in-diversity for all.


jollyspaniard said...

Nazis don't need 50% approval ratings.

Dale Carrico said...

Quite so -- they need to be ostracized and voted out on their asses by majorities, and here in the belly of the beast one sifts approval ratings in between elections for signs that those necessary resisting and voting majorities may indeed do our job (as we failed to do, to our devastation, in 2010 and 2016).