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Monday, August 20, 2012

MundiMuster! Sign DCCC Petition to Remove Akin From the Science Committee

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PETITION: Remove Todd Akin from the Science Committee

Sign your name to call on Speaker John Boehner to remove Rep. Todd Akin from the House Science and Technology Committee.

Republican Congressman Todd Akin told a Missouri news station:
"First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] is really rare... If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."
Someone who believes nonsense like this has no part overseeing science policy.

Tell Speaker Boehner to immediately remove Rep. Akin from the House Science and Technology Committee.

1 comment:

jimf said...

> Someone who believes nonsense like this has no part overseeing
> science policy.

Not that I'd disagree here, but of course even getting a Nobel
is no guarantee that you don't believe nonsense, even **in your
own field**!

I guess this guy is the poster child for the phenomenon:

"Nobody is sane quite through. Everybody has corners where
they're mad."

-- Bertrand Russell

Of course, when a Republican is "overseeing science policy", these
days that means making darn sure the science **doesn't** get
ahead of the politics. It's a matter, in other words, of keeping
the science down, and ignorance of actual science probably
helps rather than hinders in **that** role.