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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Wonder If Any Republicans Are Having That "What If We're the Baddies" Moment?

Writes BooMan:
For some it was finding no WMD in Iraq. For others it was the lack of response to Hurricane Katrina. For still others it was the Terri Schiavo ordeal. I suppose there are some casualties of Palin, too. And the debt ceiling. And climate change. I knew one in Florida for whom it was John Bolton at the United Nations. Everyone has a breaking point except the sociopaths.
It's been a long time since most Republicans were anything but utter scoundrels, but these days I say it's pretty much sociopaths all the way down.


jimf said...

> I Wonder If Any Republicans Are Having That "What If We're the Baddies" Moment?

Not a chance. They think they're holding the world together,
like Daddy putting the stick to a carful of screaming brats.

> I say it's pretty much sociopaths. . .

And they say we're just fags.

Dale Carrico said...

But we are, Blanche, we are!