Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Saturday, December 12, 2009

How About Starting to Elect People Who Think Government Can and Should Solve Shared Problems?

When Republicans campaigning for public office declare that people in public office are corrupt, incompetent, and out to do harm, believe them. And stop voting for them.

Here's Republican eminence Kay Bailey Hutchison, mocking the very idea that the United States government to which she has devoted the whole of her life has ever done any good for anybody. One wonders why she clings so ferociously -- like so many Republicans who believe as she does -- to so worthless and harmful an institution. Is it some sort of twisted masochism? Is it a kind of public confession of a deep-felt desire to participate in a corrupt, incompetent, harmful enterprise? Like most Republicans, of course, she has managed for the most part to govern in a way that ensures that actually existing government reflects her faith in its corruption, incompetence, and harmfulness to the majority of the citizens she pretends to represent. I suppose there's a certain awful ugly integrity there for us to marvel at.

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