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Friday, September 04, 2009

Tell Obama: Don't Abandon The Public Option

Campaign for America's Future

I know you've signed a million of these, now sign a goddamn million more.

My personal message to the President went a little something like this:
You embarked on this difficult political path by choice, and it is too late to turn back now -- There is no way for you not to lose unless you actually win, and nothing short of the Public Option is a win, and no amount of spin or grin can fool anyone about that. Half measures lose you the base who are now behind you, will fail to meet the goals without which none of this effort makes any sense at all, and will be vilified by your opponents anyway. No compromise on the Public Option is acceptable -- and don't think double talk about triggers that will never get pulled or bans on worst practices without competitive pressure to enforce them will fool us into thinking another corporate bailout is real reform or the change we believed in.

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