Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Friday, August 29, 2008

MundiMuster! Endorse the Declaration for Healthy Food and Agriculture

Behind us stands a half-century of industrial food production, underwritten by cheap fossil fuels, abundant land and water resources, and a drive to maximize the global harvest of cheap calories. Ahead lie rising energy and food costs, a changing climate, declining water supplies, a growing population, and the paradox of widespread hunger and obesity.

These realities call for a radically different approach to food and agriculture… Governments have a duty to protect people from malnutrition, unsafe food, and exploitation, and to protect the land and water on which we depend from degradation. Individuals, producers, and organizations have a duty to create regional systems that can provide healthy food for their communities. We all have a duty to respect and honor the laborers of the land without whom we could not survive.

Twelve Principles follow that the Declaration proposes should frame future Agricultural policies. Follow the link to read them. Very much in keeping with the spirit of the still-emerging still-gathering p2p ethos of contemporary politics, readers are invited to comment on and collaborate in the ongoing elaboration of the campaign mobilized by the Declaration whether they endorse it or not.

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