Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Police Action or Police State

Global terrorism seems to confront us with a rather stark either/or: Either we respond with international multilateral police actions, or we respond by becoming a police state ourselves. It's really that simple. Although Neocons are reduced to apoplexy by the merest whiff of the suggestion that we might treat terror as an international policing problem rather than a drumbeat for a War Without End, it isn't clear to me at all why anybody listens to what they say anymore (when every single idea they had turned out to be crap, every single piece of evidence they provided turned out to be a lie, and every highminded justification they offered up turned out to be self-serving garbage), and in any case nobody wants to live in the walled off shabby police state they pine for anyway. Stuart Taylor has a nice piece that spells it out all purty-like. Go see.

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