Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Friday, June 06, 2014

Dear Wayne

It's beginning to look like the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good woman without one.


Dale Carrico said...

Actually it turns out that in the latest of the relentlessly recurring mass shooting incidents in the NRA's America bad guy with a gun Aaron Ybarra was stopped by good guy with pepper spray Jon Meis. Wayne's dystopian nightmare goal of a world of private arsenals and rampant vigilantism takes another, if I may say so, hit in Seattle. No need to change the post, tho', since the brave Antoinette Tuff who stopped a gun rampage with nothing but her wits and a phone remains the paradigmatic refutation of the anarcho-gunnuttery of the NRA vision.

Unknown said...

Jay here. I tend to go easy on Wayne LaPierre. We've all been to middle school. We all know how a boy with a name like that can come to the conclusion that there are people who seem tough and there are people who get their heads dunked in toilets and he really wants to be the first kind of person from now on.

Dale Carrico said...

Not everybody who is abused becomes an abuser and when they do two wrongs don't make a right. Wayne LaPierre can seriously go fuck himself with the penis gun he rode in on. (But I ain't mad at you for feeling differently on the question, if you happen not simply to be snarking as I suspect you are.)

Unknown said...

Jay again. It's hard to say. One of the problems with being in Gen X is that we use so much irony that I can never tell when I'm joking.

Dale Carrico said...

Tell me about it!