Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Monday, August 08, 2011

"No matter what some agency may say about our credit, we always have been and always will be a Triple A country."

Only rarely has President Obama managed in a speech to utter words that actually make me throw up in my mouth a little bit -- something that Killer Clown George W. Bush managed on a regular, indeed, almost daily basis -- but that bit of superficial saccharine sloganizing slime did the trick. Triple A country, indeed! If one must utter facile overgeneralities then it would be more honest by far to say that this is a shit country run by shits who turn everything they touch into shit. None of this alters the fact that Republicans are the most dangerous organized force in the world, and that the only response of good people of good will -- those, at any rate, who haven't resolved to undertake literally revolutionary activities, and I don't mean whining and demoralizing people in blog comments -- is to fight to ensure that more, and better, Democrats prevail in time to move us forward before we destroy the planet entirely with our wars and our waste. But, cold and hard as the facts on the ground may be, for heaven's sake don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. Ugh, vile, blech!

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