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Tuesday, August 09, 2011

McAngry McAncient's Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost

When John McCain chose the flabbergastingly unqualified wingnut spokesmodel Sarah Palin as his running mate he tore the already precarious lid off of Republican Crazytown and rolled out the red carpet for Death Panel Summer and the mid-term's Teavangelical Tide. At a recent Townhall event, it would seem, McCain got to gaze long and hard into the Hellmouth he opened:
Tea-party activists called McCain "out of touch" when the senator said he didn't know about United Nations "Agenda 21. "One man described the initiative as a "takeover of the United States of America by taking over our farms." "First, our firearms, then our farms," another man added. McCain said no Congress would allow that to happen, but that didn't satisfy several in the room who subscribed to the theory. Gilbert has been a hotbed for the conservative tea-party movement for a few years, and groups have organized anti-tax rallies there and had a growing influence on local elections. As the townhall broke up, another disgruntled attendee repeatedly shouted: "Where's our fence?"
Needless to say, none of the things this mob cares about most passionately actually exist as actual issues in the actual world, while all sorts of things they exult in denying, like, you know, Darwin, like the Separation of Church and State, like macroeconomics, like climate science happen to be the bulwarks holding back the complete devastation of their lives and their world.

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