Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

We're All Going to Die

Apparently Obama's approval has taken a ten point nose dive among "Independents" since last month, driven by a rise in gas prices. One wonders what these "independents" think Obama was in any position to do about the Middle Eastern turmoil which is the proximate cause of that rise, let alone the larger structural problems of managing the stresses of an idiotically ill-conceived extractive-industrial civilization in an actually finite world.

But of course these "independents" are not thinking at all. It is from thought, I suppose, that they are actually Independent first of all.

President make joke on Jay Leno -- me like President! Me food now! Me drive now! Me so mad! Throw the bums out!

Who cares what the facts are? Who cares who the stakeholders are? Who cares about context? Damn the consequences!

What a finely calibrated instrument with which to cope with the pressures of policymaking in the midst of Peak Oil and resource descent more generally in the coming years.

While we all know that the GOP has been captured by its rampaging paranoid anti-tax anti-democracy anti-science white-racist patriarchal muscular baby Jesus gun-nut greedhead Base, one wonders how much better are the coveted "Independents" who presumably swing our elections, every one of whom seems to be a lobotomized potbelly with a nasty rash and a hard-on, squalling like an infant for instant gratification.

This, by the way, is the context in which one must weigh the manifold palpable deficiencies of Democrats that seem to inspire too many of the best informed and most righteous of our citizens into fascist-enabling ecstasies of apathetic non-support and non-participation they fancy constitute some kind of radical activism, even if, on its face it is, you know, tantamount to the impersonation of the drooling saucer-eyed stance of the passive indifferent consumer in those who presumably pride themselves on knowing better.

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