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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Earthquakes Disrupt Windfarms Too

And then all the wind-turbines will release all the pent-up death poison they hold in their stalks across the continents, too. Oh, wait.

I'm actually assuming that precisely because Japan has given us such a conspicuous piece of evidence reminding us of the utter folly of ruinously expensive unspeakably dangerous nuclear energy as bogus "green" strategy that it has become much more rather than less inevitable that nuclear plant boondoggles will once again pimple our landscape.

Rather like fantastically idiotic offshore drilling, the greedhead shills in Congress start barking and clapping louder so ferociously and so pre-emptively the moment any disaster risks giving the lie to their science fiction promises of omni-competent robots and energy too cheap to meter that any evidence of the danger of our industrial-extractive-petrochemical deathrace now functions only to prompt ever-greater acceleration toward the wall of catastrophe.

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