Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The Dean Scream

David Broder, often denominated "The Dean" of mainstream punditry (and aptly enough, given the debased debauched state of mainstream punditry), has died. Let us pray that the bipartisanship qua Democratic capitulation to insane unpopular authoritarian Republicans that was his religion is well on its way to dying with him. Of course, it isn't, which goes a long way to explaining why I am not a praying man. But, civility, civility, people! Outwardly, my altar boy hands clasp chastely at my waist as my eyes invoke angelic choirs and my voice intones, hushed, that my thoughts are with his family and friends in this difficult time. While inwardly, I fear, my response is closer to:

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