Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Crappiest Plutocracy Money Can Buy

World Wrestling Entertainment held a raucous, reduced-price event yesterday in Connecticut, with attendees encouraged by CEO Vince McMahon to vote on Tuesday, and to wear their WWE merchandise when they do so. And of course, this officially was not any kind of corporate promotion of Republican Senate nominee Linda McMahon, the former WWE CEO and Vince's wife and business partner.

One hopes Jon Stewart's researchers are busy locating the equivalent unqualified Democratic celebrity wrestling impresario trying to buy their election for a humorous and balanced bit this Monday before the Big Day.

(I still like Jon Stewart, by the way, and cheerfully watch his show. I'm just annoyed at him at the moment. I still think he's more a force for good than not, though for reasons he would apparently disapprove of.)

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