Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Monday, September 06, 2010

The Essential Parasitism of Futurological Discourses

The superlative futurologists -- like the transhumanists, the singularitarians, the digital-utopian, the nano-cornucopiasts, the techno-immortalists -- are not so much originating their discourse as more or less opportunistically piggy-backing, first, on the prevailing technoscientific hyperbole/fraud that suffuses neoliberal marketing and promotional discourse and, second, taking up ready-to-hand conceits from transcendental religiosity: personal redemption (cyborgization), resurrection (longevity, uploading), heaven (VR, ubicomp, nano-abundance), apocalypse (singularity), and so on.

It is through their citation of transcendentalizing conceits ready-to-hand from conventional religiosity that they invigorate and seem to radicalize what otherwise amounts to the conventional hyperbole, reductionism, self-promotion, and fraud of the mainstream advertising and self-help genres which they otherwise reflect and then simply absurdly amplify.

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