Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Bush Administration is Libertopia

Although decent market libertarians will protest that they rightly despise the Bush Administration quite as much as I do, for its war-mongering, for its hankering after fundamentalist theocracy, for its Real ID and Total Information Awareness, the fact is that the Bush Administration is what libertarianism plays out as in the real world outside of Ayn Rand novels and Chicago style armchair economics textbooks.

Grover Norquist is John Galt. Baghdad Year Zero is Galt's Gulch.

I know some of you boys didn't want it to be like this, but there it is.

Market fundamentalists who voted for Bush because you wanted lower taxes and an extra sawbuck to spend in a charred cinder of a world not worth living in have to make your choice like all the rest of the fundamentalists now (who have suddenly realized that their own cult of Jeebus might not be the officially sanctioned one after all): How do you like your politics, faith-based or reality-based?

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